
当前位置: 网站威尼斯欢乐娱人v3676 > 质控设备 > 质控模体 > CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体
CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体

CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体

型号:CIRS 134200 类别: 质控模体 品牌:美国CIRS pdf资料: CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体.pdf
采购热线:威尼斯欢乐娱人v3676  13632925349 在线咨询产品    CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体在线咨询QQ:274798107
CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体
口腔造影评估,测试和评估(PIRATE)的CIRS模型是颌骨放射诊断的参考标准。CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体旨在帮助技术人员和临床工作人员选择,监测,培训和验证口内放射成像程序和其他常见牙科手术常用的扫描参数。

CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体由上颌骨,下颌骨和夹持装置组成。幻象可以安装到包括三脚架与球头配件灵活定位。上颌骨和下颌骨是铰接的,以允许牙科技术人员用夹具放置咬合膜或其他口内装置,并且将模体图像化。

CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体是由专有的组织等效材料构成的,通过对牙科X射线和其他牙科成像程序的线性衰减在1%以内模拟参考组织。

CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体在尺寸和结构上近似于平均男性人类颌骨。模体功能详细3D拟人解剖包括骨头,窦,上颌骨,下颌骨,下颌神经和牙齿。骨头包含皮质和小梁分离。牙齿包括不同的牙本质,牙釉质,根管和牙冠。一颗牙齿包括骨折,第二颗牙齿包括一个空腔。

CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体特点:
50 keV到25 MeV的组织当量

CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体应用:





CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体

CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体

CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS 134200模体英文介绍:

The PIRATE phantom consists of maxilla, mandible and holding device. The phantom can be mounted to included tripod with ballhead fitting for flexibility in positioning. The maxilla and mandible are hinged to allow a dental technician to place a bitewing film or other intraoral devices with a holder and image the phantom.

The phantom is constructed of proprietary tissue-equivalent materials that mimic reference tissues within 1% by linear attenuation for the dental x-ray and other dental imaging procedures.

The Model 134200 approximates the average male human jaw in both size and structure. The phantom features detailed 3D anthropomorphic anatomy including bone, sinus, maxilla, mandible, mandibular nerve and teeth. The bones contain both cortical and trabecular separation. The teeth include distinct dentine, enamel, root canal and crown. One tooth includes a fracture and a second includes a cavity.

Detailed anatomical features

Tissue Equivalent from 50 keV to 25 MeV

Functioning Mandible

Tripod with six degrees-of-freedom
Soft-sided carry case

48-month warranty

Commission intraoral X-ray devices

Learn how to properly position for optimal images

Test reconstruction techniques and algorithms for implant planning and maxillofacial reconstruction

Train and evaluate personnel during implementation of new equipment and techniques

Validate consistency of image quality
SAG: CIRS 134200,CIRS 134200模体,CIRS 134200口腔模体,CIRS口腔模体,134200口腔模体
